Allahabad Banks in Varanasi With IFSC Code

Allahabad Bank Varanasi IFSC Code

Allahabad Bank Branches in Varanasi

Let’s talk about Allahabad Bank and its presence in Varanasi. This bank has a rich history, dating back to 1865 when it was founded in Allahabad by a group of British individuals. Over the years, it has grown and now has its headquarters in Kolkata, with an extensive network of more than 2500 branches all across India. Interestingly, during the Swadeshi movement, the bank played a significant role, becoming highly active during that period.

In a crucial turn of events in 1969, the Indian government took a momentous decision and nationalized Allahabad Bank along with 13 other Indian banks. This move brought about a significant change in the bank’s structure and operation. Subsequently, in 1989, the bank expanded its reach by acquiring a Calcutta-based bank named United Industrial Bank. Later, in 1991, the bank also established a subsidiary merchant bank known as All Bank Finance Limited.

Allahabad Bank Varanasi IFSC Code

Now, let’s focus on Varanasi, the holy city, where Allahabad Bank has a significant presence. The city boasts several branches of this esteemed bank, providing valuable banking services to locals and visitors alike. Here, we have compiled a list of Allahabad Bank Branches in Varanasi, along with their respective IFSC codes to facilitate seamless transactions and banking operations for the customers.

Allahabad Banks in Varanasi With IFSC Code

1. Allahabad Bank At Varanasi Kamachha

Address: B-21 56, Kamachha, Varanasi
Phone no.: 0542 2455768
IFSC Code: ALLA0210547
MICR Code: 221010005
Branch Code: 210547

2. Allahabad Bank At Amara

Address: Village Amara Khairachak, Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Varanasi Chunar Road, Varanasi -221106
Phone no.: 09369590209, 07860930529
IFSC Code: ALLA0212726
Branch Code: 212726

3. Allahabad Bank At Dafi Varanasi

Address: Allahabad Bank Dafi Bypass Road, Village & Post Daffi, Distt- Varanasi -221011
Phone no.: 09389740924, 09935290429
IFSC Code: ALLA0212861
Branch Code: 212861

4. Allahabad Bank At Maldhaiya

Address: C-29 1A-1 P.o. Maldahiya, Dist. Varanasi – 221002
IFSC Code: ALLA0211065
MICR Code: 221010003
Branch Code: 211065

5. Allahabad Bank At Pandeypur

Address: 59 94-2-G, Pandeypur, Dist.-Varanasi – 210002
IFSC Code: ALLA0212215
Branch Code: 212215

6. Allahabad Bank At U P College

Address: Mahabir Mandir Road, Orderly Bazar, Varanasi
Phone no.: 0542-2506629, 2506631
IFSC Code: ALLA0210319
MICR Code: 221010009
Branch Code: 210319

7. Allahabad Bank At Varanasi Sanskrit University

Address: Vill. & Po – Ram Katora, Lahurabir, Varanasi
Phone no.: 0542 207625, 208174
IFSC Code: ALLA0210093
MICR Code: 221010006
Branch Code: 210093

8. Allahabad Bank At Benipur

Address: Village & Post Benipur, Varanasi
Phone no.: 9450455949, 9198776170
IFSC Code: ALLA0212675
Branch Code: 212675

9. Allahabad Bank At Kashi Vidyapeeth

Address: Road,C 314-2, Vidyapith Road, Varanasi
IFSC Code: ALLA0210307
MICR Code: 221010008
Branch Code: 210307

10. Allahabad Bank At Manduadih Varanasi

Address: Bazar Crossing Road, Manduadih, Dist. Varanasi -221003
Phone no.: 0542 2370019
IFSC Code: ALLA0210907
MICR Code: 221010007
Branch Code: 210907

11. Allahabad Bank At Pili Kothi

Address: House No. K 46 22 Hartirath, Visheswarganj, Varanasi
IFSC Code: ALLA0212142
MICR Code: 221010018
Branch Code: 212142

12. Allahabad Bank At Varanasi

Address: Post Box No 1133, Varanasi-221001
Phone no.: 05424 20169
IFSC Code: ALLA0210092
MICR Code: 221010002
Branch Code: 210092

13. Allahabad Bank At Brij Enclave

Address: Akash Ganga Complex, Sunder Pur, Varanasi – 221004
IFSC Code: ALLA0211965
MICR Code: 221010010
Branch Code: 211965

14. Allahabad Bank At Kashi Vidyapith

Address: C 314-2 Vidyapith Road, Varanasi -221002
Phone no.: 0542 224934
IFSC Code: ALLA0212022
MICR Code: 221010012
Branch Code: 212022

15. Allahabad Bank At Nadesar

Address: Taksal Theatre Building, Ground Floor, Nadesar, Varanasi
IFSC Code: ALLA0211112
MICR Code: 221010004
Branch Code: 211112

16. Allahabad Bank At Ravindra Puri Colony

Address: Infront Of Tulsi Manas Mandir, Bhu Road, Varanasi – 221005
Phone no.: 0541 2315572
IFSC Code: ALLA0212095
MICR Code: 221010016
Branch Code: 212095

17. Allahabad Bank At Shivpura

Address: House No. D 59 6f Rathyatra Crossing, Mahmoorganj Road, Varanasi – 221010
Phone no.: 05420 2360373
IFSC Code: ALLA0212103
Branch Code: 212103

18. Allahabad Bank At Varanasi S Sans Vishwavidyalaya

Address: Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwa Vidhyalaya Campus, Varanasi – 221002
IFSC Code: ALLA0212065
Branch Code: 212065

FAQs Related to Allahabad Bank in Varanasi And IFSC Code

How many Allahabad Bank branches are there in Varanasi?
Varanasi is fortunate to have multiple Allahabad Bank branches catering to the city’s banking needs.

What services does Allahabad Bank offer at its Varanasi branches?
Allahabad Bank branches in Varanasi offer a wide range of services, including savings and current accounts, loans, credit facilities, and more.

Are there any ATMs available at Allahabad Bank branches in Varanasi?
Yes, most of the Allahabad Bank branches in Varanasi have ATMs installed for the convenience of customers.

Can I avail of internet banking facilities at these branches?
Absolutely! Allahabad Bank branches in Varanasi provide internet banking services, enabling customers to conduct online transactions and manage their accounts conveniently.

How can I find the nearest Allahabad Bank branch in Varanasi?
To locate the nearest branch, you can visit the official website of Allahabad Bank and use their branch locator tool or contact their customer support for assistance.

What is the IFSC Allahabad Bank Varanasi?
The IFSC code of Allahabad Bank Varanasi is IDIB000P692.

What is the name of Allahabad Bank now Bank?
Allahabad Bank is now Indian Bank. The merger of Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank was completed on February 14, 2021.

Which Bank has merged with Allahabad Bank?
Indian Bank has merged with Allahabad Bank.

Is Allahabad Bank now Indian Bank?
Yes, Allahabad Bank is now Indian Bank.

Is Allahabad Bank IFSC changed?
Yes, the IFSC code of Allahabad Bank has changed after the merger with Indian Bank. The new IFSC code for all erstwhile Allahabad Bank branches starts with “IDIB”.

What is the IFSC of Allahabad Bank merged with Indian Bank?
The new IFSC code for Allahabad Bank merged with Indian Bank starts with “IDIB”. For example, the IFSC code of the Allahabad Bank Varanasi branch is now IDIB000P692.

How can I know my Allahabad Bank IFSC code?
You can find your Allahabad Bank IFSC code by visiting the Indian Bank website or by contacting your bank branch.

What is the IFSC code of a bank?
The IFSC code is a 11-digit code that uniquely identifies a bank branch in India. It is used for electronic fund transfers such as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.

Which bank converts Allahabad up Gramin Bank?
Indian Bank has converted Allahabad Up Gramin Bank into a wholly-owned subsidiary. The merger was completed on August 16, 2021.

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