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11 Best Anath Ashram in Varanasi | Orphanages in Varanasi

Best Anath Ashram in Varanasi

Varanasi is a home to numerous ashrams providing shelter and support to orphaned and abandoned children. These Anath Ashrams act as safe refuges for vulnerable children by not just meeting their basic needs but also empowering them through education and skills development. In this blog, we shine the spotlight on some of the best Anath Ashrams in Varanasi that are transforming the lives of deprived children and integrating them into mainstream society as confident, contributing citizens. Read on to learn about their inspiring work.

Top Anath Ashrams in Varanasi With Contact Details

1. Kashi Anathalaya Association

Operational since 1946, Kashi Anathalaya Association was founded with an aim to provide nurture and empowerment opportunities to orphaned children in Varanasi. They have separate accommodations for boys and girls who are provided with free lodging, food, healthcare and educational facilities till they turn 18 years of age. With quality education as their prime focus, they ensure the children also learn vocational skills to secure employment. Music, dance, yoga and meditation classes provide recreational activities promoting their holistic development. Currently, they house over 160 children thanks to the support from government bodies and donations from benevolent donors.

Orphanage Details:

2. Vaneeta Vishram

Located in Kabir Nagar locality, Vaneeta Vishram focuses on the welfare, nourishment and education of orphaned and abandoned girls. Apart from lodging, food and healthcare, the girls receive training in vocational skills like sewing and handicrafts to enable them to earn their own livelihood. The safe and caring environment helps these girls to heal from psychological trauma and builds their self-esteem and confidence. Their mission is to empower vulnerable girls with knowledge and skills so that they grow into strong and independent women of substance who can positively contribute to society.

Orphanage Details:

3. CDSJA Old Aged & Underprivileged, Anath Ashram

This ashram run by Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action provides support to elderly, destitute individuals as well as orphaned children from communities across religions and social backgrounds. Their initiatives include distributing monthly provisions, providing for their medical expenditures, promoting interfaith harmony via community gatherings and imparting vocational skills training to the orphaned children. By supporting the basic necessities of food, shelter, healthcare and education of vulnerable children and individuals, they aim to restore human dignity. They have helped thousands of underprivileged individuals restart their lives on better footings over the past many decades.

Orphanage Details:

4. Anatha Asram For Child, Pandaypur

Located in the Hindu pilgrimage city of Varanasi, Anatha asram, Panday, Pur provides a safe space for orphaned and vulnerable children. Set up more than a decade ago by Pt. Shiva Dutt Pandey Ji, this Ashram houses over 50 children belonging to all castes and creeds. In addition to boarding and lodging facilities on their large campus, they also receive opportunities for holistic growth via primary education, sports activities and celebration of religious and cultural festivals which nurture their social skills. Vocational trainings in areas like electrical works and tailoring also equip them to earn sustainable livelihoods and reintegrate with mainstream society.

Orphanage Details:

5. Jan Kalyan Ashram

Operational for over five decades now, Jan Kalyan Ashram serves as a place of refuge for orphaned children, differently abled individuals as well as the elderly homeless. They are provided free lodging, nourishing food, primary healthcare and opportunities for education and skill development. By ensuring the basic necessities of vulnerable groups are met with dignity, they aim to uplift the community and promote inclusive social growth. Their key focus areas are child welfare, women empowerment, education promotion and raising health & hygiene awareness. Over 3000 children have benefitted over the years from their initiatives enabling them to lead their lives with independence.

Orphanage Details:

6. Ashi Anathalaya Association

Catering to orphaned children below the age of 14 years, regardless of caste or religious affiliations, Kashi Anathalaya Association provides food, lodging, healthcare and education free of cost so they can sustain themselves. They give admissions preference to children who have lost both parents but also take in abandoned kids and those with parents unable to care for them. Their nurturing environment helps children deal with trauma, build self-confidence, pursue academic growth and develop vocational skills. Through sponsorship programs, they encourage guardianship relations with children to give them family-like support. The aim is to equip children with abilities to succeed independently.

Orphanage Details:

7. Seva Sansthan Ashram

Located amidst peaceful settings, Seva Sansthan Ashram provides orphaned children and youth an enabling environment focused on their welfare and growth needs. Their initiatives include running a senior secondary residential school, three child rehabilitation homes as well an old age home. Children and elders live here together like an extended family and nurture mutual affection and care. In addition to quality education, children are also involved in co-curricular activities and develop vocational skills. Healthcare, clothing, nutrition and counselling needs of all residents are adequately met. The Ashram upholds service before self as their moto. Their mission is social reformation through serving vulnerable groups.

Orphanage Details:

8. Anant Ashram

Established in 1939, Anant Ashram serves as a place of refuge for orphaned children and widowed women in Varanasi. They receive shelter, food, and access to education in a safe and enabling environment. For destitute women, it offers them a place to stay in their old age as well as opportunities to be self reliant via skills training. The children are supported with quality education and extracurricular activities for their wholesome development. As the women and children live here together like a large family, they develop strong community bonds based on care and empathy for each other. The Ashram helps restore dignity and self-reliance in the lives of those abandoned by society.

Orphanage Details:

9. Maa Annapurna Anath Ashram

This ashram run by Annapurna Pustkalaya primarily serves orphaned and semi-orphaned girls from rural areas in the vicinity of Varanasi district. Rescued from a life of hardships, these girls are provided with free lodging, food, healthcare and most importantly educational opportunities in a safe environment. Their initiatives include a residential school up to 8th grade, a Mahila Jan Kalyan training center offering vocational skills as well as the Annapurna Balika library promoting reading habits. By enabling education and self reliance of girls, their goal is women empowerment and uplifting rural communities. Their assistance has benefitted over 500 girls till now.

Orphanage Details:

10. Durga Mata Anath Ashram

Serving orphaned and abandoned children from underprivileged backgrounds since 2005, Durga Mata Anath Ashram provides them food, shelter and education. Their mission is holistic welfare of children without consideration of caste, color or religion. Their residential setup cares for over 30 children through facilities of nutritious meals, schooling, healthcare and extracurricular activities in an environment where children can heal. As children learn vocational skills in sewing, gardening etc and develop as confident individuals, they are able to reintegrate into mainstream society as responsible citizens. Through philanthropic donations, the Ashram continues transforming lives.

Orphanage Details:

11. Shanti Ashram

The Anath Ashrams in Varanasi play a vital role in providing vulnerable children and groups a place of refuge and growth. Through interventions spanning sustenance, healthcare, education and skills training, they restore dignity and nurture self-reliance. They help orphaned, abandoned and destitute individuals get reintegrated within mainstream society as active contributors. Their continuing mission is building an equitable world where the basic rights of food, shelter, education and livelihoods are available to all citizens irrespective of their backgrounds. Support through donations, supplies and volunteering can greatly sustain their transformative work.

Orphanage Details:


The Anath Ashrams featured in this blog are some of the most prominent ones making a real grassroots impact in caring for and empowering orphaned children in Varanasi. Through their interventions in child welfare, education, healthcare, skills training and community outreach they are restoring dignity and nurturing self-reliance among vulnerable sections of children. Support through donations, supplies and volunteering will greatly help take their transformative work to wider sections of deprived children and create a more equitable world. We hope this blog provided great insight into their inspiring work.

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FAQs Related to Best Anath Ashram in Varanasi

What are the different Anath Ashrams (orphanages) in Varanasi?
Some of the top Anath Ashrams in Varanasi include Kashi Anathalaya Association, Vaneeta Vishram, CDSJA Anath Ashram, Anatha asram (Panday, Pur), Jan Kalyan Ashram, and Seva Sansthan Ashram among others.

How many Anath Ashrams are there in Varanasi?
Currently there are about a dozen prominent Anath Ashrams in Varanasi providing care and support to orphaned, abandoned, and destitute children.

Where can I find a list of Anath Ashrams in Varanasi?
You can find names and contact details of major Anath Ashrams in Varanasi through a basic online search.

How do I choose the right Anath Ashram for me?
Choose an ashram based on the age/gender of the child, facilities/services provided like lodging, education, healthcare and psychological support. Also consider proximity to your location.

What services do Anath Ashrams in Varanasi typically offer?
Key services are food, lodging, clothing, healthcare, education expenses, counseling/extracurricular activities and skills training like vocational courses. Some also have sponsorship programs.

Do Anath Ashrams in Varanasi accept donations? If so, how can I donate?
Most ashrams gladly accept donations of money, supplies, clothes/toys or volunteer service to support their cause. You can directly contact them regarding how you wish to contribute.

Can I volunteer at an Anath Ashram in Varanasi?
Yes, many ashrams welcome volunteers to engage with the children, help with daily tasks or contribute specialized skills for holistic programming. You can get in touch with them directly.

What are the admission procedures for Anath Ashrams in Varanasi?
Admission procedures typically involve producing documents regarding the background of the child, applying with details, and assessment of needs by the ashram authorities. There may be an intake capacity.

What kind of support do Anath Ashrams in Varanasi need from the community?
Community support is needed in areas like funding for facilities & supplies, tutors/coaches for extra activities, job/internship opportunities for grown-up children and spreading awareness to mitigate social stigma.

Are there any success stories of children who have gone through Anath Ashrams in Varanasi?
Many former children have attained well-paying jobs, set up businesses, achieved higher education and become independent and productive community members thanks to the lifetime chance given by these ashrams.

How can I ensure the safety and well-being of children in Anath Ashrams in Varanasi?
You can assess an ashram and verify their registrations/credentials before admitting your child. Visit occasionally after admitting as well to oversee facilities & welfare.

What are the challenges faced by Anath Ashrams in Varanasi?
Challenges include lack of funding, infrastructure & workforce limitation, and overcoming social taboos associated with orphaned children which restricts education and growth opportunities.

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